Saturday, 27 July 2024  

Disclaimer (Pensions)

The content of this site is of a general, informational nature. Although we have endeavoured to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information contained on this site, no responsibility is accepted for any error which may appear on this site and nothing on this site constitutes specific legal or professional advice, and should not be taken as such. The content of this site is subject to change and it is therefore essential that before proceeding, professional tax and/or legal advice is sought in the country of domicile and/or residence of every member.

The PraxisIFM Group excludes all liability to the extent legally permitted for any loss resulting howsoever caused from the use of this website or reliance upon the content of this website. The PraxisIFM Group and their subsidiaries advise that all members should take appropriate individual professional advice before entering into any transaction.

The content and design of this site are subject to copyright owned by The PraxisIFM Group. The content of this site should not be circulated where such circulation would be an infringement of local laws or regulations.

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